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Queensland Pups & Handlers Inc.

Conduct, Consent & Community Protection Policy

v2.0 October 2023

1.1 Q-PAH By-Laws

Under s42(1.1), the management committee of Queensland Pups & Handlers Inc (Q-PAH), The management committee may make, amend or repeal by-laws, not inconsistent with these rules, for the internal management of the association. 

1.2 Note About Versioning

This Policy was originally drafted by Chad (Sir Deefa) in or around 2021 and went through various internal versions with the Q-PAH management committee, before finally being presented to the Management Committee for approval as a by-law in October 2023. The small changes and tweaks beteen the original drafting and eventual version were not properly documented and cannot be properly attributed, but this version submitted for approval is labelled 2.0 to acknowledge the eventual draft.

1.3 Intent of Policy

The Q-PAH Consent Policy aims to set out the behavioural guidelines that anyone involved with Q-PAH or attending a Q-PAH event should strive to uphold. Q-PAH members should aim to uphold this policy at all times for as long as they are members of the club, both inside and outside of Club activities.


This policy is not comprehensive. Real world situations often involve complicated factors (however this should never be an excuse to the principals held in this pocily). In situations that are ambiguous, where you are unsure of what to do, or where the situation is not covered by this policy, seek clarity from a Q-PAH committee member.

2.1 Conduct

For this purpose, there are a number of key values that underpin the intent of this Policy. Members and guests attending Q-PAH spaces, should conduct themselves with integrity, honesty and respect.

(a) Integrity

Integrity is the value of striving to apply all ethical considerations consistently across different situations and throughout our lives. We expect everyone involved in Q-PAH Events to be positive examples of the Pup and Handler Community at all times.

(b) Honesty

We expect everyone attending a Q-PAH event to uphold the value of honesty. Honesty means never deceiving another or oneself through actions, words or omission. Being honest means compassionately and kindly communicating information that is relevant to your interactions with another.

(c) Respect

We expect everyone attending a Q-PAH event to respect one another and treat each other with the same respect as you would wanted to be treated yourself. Respecting peoples boundaries and head space at all times means everyone is able to enjoy events.

2.2 Consent

Consent is a mutually understood agreement, entered into freely and willingly, granting a specific set of permissions that can be withdrawn at any time. 

This means:

  • Explicit verbal consent must be obtained before intentionally touching anyone. It is the responsibility of the person initiating the activity to ensure consent has been gained prior to starting. This includes (but is not limited to) hugging, moshing and sexual activities.
  • Never assume there exists an implied consent.
  • Be as specific as possible when asking for consent.
  • If the nature of the activity changes or the participants’ understanding changes then consent for the change must be sought, otherwise the activity must end.
  • Consent given to one person for an action, does not imply another person can perform that same action
  • Be aware that any participant can withdraw consent at any time.
  • Someone can not be held to a predetermined agreement. Consent must be ongoing.
  • Respect indecision (it means there is not consent).
  • Do not set out to convince someone of an answer or to change their mind. That's coercion and will not be tolerated.
  • Respect someone saying no.
  • If someone says no, do not ask them that thing again.
  • Be gracious in accepting someone saying no to you.
  • Consent to one thing does not imply consent to anything else.
  • Make every effort to understand coercive influences. We encourage everyone to be aware that “Yes” does not always mean “Yes”. Consent should at all times be enthusiastic, informed and continual.

2.3 Community Protection

Insofar as it can, the club and its management committy should protect the community. This incudes members, members of the public around our events and spaces, users of our social channels and consumers of our products and media.

Community protection includes but is not limited to:

  • Mitigating health and safety risks as much as possible
  • Deciding on the course of least harm when faced with decisions about excluding potentially dangerous activities, equipment or people from events and spaces

Q-PAH prohibits the use of illicit substances at events. A zero tolerance policy will be strictly enforced towards members who are knowingly under the influence of an illicit drug. This includes drugs such as ecstacy, gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB), cocaine and methamphetamines.

Where alcohol is available at Q-PAH events, Q-PAH encourages attendees to drink responsibly, and to be mindful of your conduct and how it affects others.

Medicinal majiruana may be accepted with prior written approval from Q-PAH committee, with the strict understanding that it won’t be shared with other members.

Q-PAH has addiction resources available for pups and Handlers who may be concerned about their alcohol or substance use. Feel free to confidentially reach out to a Committee member should you feel you need help with this matter.

3.1 Practical Procedures

Where a member of the club, an attendee or a member of the public has a concern about a person, activity or item, they should report this to the managemnt committee using the Incident Report Form on the Q-PAH website.

Any Incident Reports received by the committee will be compiled and kept forever, but may not result (immeditately or eventually) in any specific action, even if a specific action is requested by the reporter.

Where an action is taken against a specific person (or multiple people), this can include:

  • A written warning outlining the unacceptable behaviour and the consequences of future complaints
  • Restrictions on posting, moderation or removal from social channels and online spaces
  • Removal of any attendee from any event, with no refund
  • Exclusion of an attendee from any future events
  • Termination of membership

Where Q-PAH receives evidence of criminal activity or where required to do so by law, we may pass on information to Police.

4.1 Living Document Disclaimer

Ethics and ideologies, as well as our understanding of them, can change over time. As such this is a living document. This means that we will do our best to update it to reflect current best practices and our beliefs. We also cannot hope to produce a comprehensive guide. As such we will update this document based on experience gained and suggestions made. Whenever significant change to the spirit of this document occurs, it will be done in consultation with members. Members will be emailed (on the email address provided with your membership) either as part of this consultation process or to inform you of the change. We understand that this policy cannot cover every situation. As such we welcome the continuing discussion about and improvement of this policy. If you have any concerns, suggestions or comments please let us know either by emailing or by contacting a QPAH committee member.

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