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Queensland Pups & Handlers Inc.

External Events Policy

v1.1 June 2021

This policy, once accepted by the management committee, forms part of the by-laws of Queensland Pups & Handlers Inc. as defined in the constitution of the association.

1. Definitions

External Event means any event not sanctioned by the management committee of Queensland Pups & Handlers Inc. and organised and run under its direct control.

Q-PAH means Queensland Pups & Handlers Inc.

2. Advertising of External Events

  1. External Events may be advertised on Q-PAH’s social media and submitted to the committee for consideration to be included in the Newsletter. This includes events organised by members (e.g. private parties or munches), events run by other not-for-profit groups which members may be a part of (e.g. Australian Ponies And Trainers) or events run by commercial organisations (e.g. Haven 33 or Crystal Chateau)
  2. External Events may not be:
  3. Added to the official Q-PAH events page on the website.
  4. Added to the events function of any Q-PAH Facebook page or group unless special approval is sought from and granted by the management committee.

3. Requirements for External Event Postings

  1. Any post on Q-PAH’s social media for an external event must meet the following criteria:
  2. The post description must make clear that the event is not organised or run by Q-PAH.
  3. The event must be open to all members of Q-PAH who wish to attend. Events which discriminate against a portion of our members (e.g. male-only events) will not be eligible.
  4. If the event is run by a commercial organisation, that organisation must be a corporate member of Q-PAH unless special approval is sought from and granted by the management committee.
  5. An event may not be posted by a group or commercial organisation which has goals or objectives so similar to Q-PAH’s that it is seen to be in direct competition with Q-PAH.

4. Branding

The QPAH and QPHC logos, colours, branding and names are the intellectual property of QPAH and may not be used in any way without the express written permission of the management committee.

5. Insurance

Q-PAH’s insurance policies will not apply to external events. All external events are the liability of the organiser/venue.

6. Exemptions

This Policy will not apply to partner Clubs and Associations with separate written Agreements in place with Q-PAH.

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