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Queensland Pups & Handlers Inc.

Sponsorship Policy

v1.1 August 2021

1. Definitions

Q-PAH and/or Q-PAH Officials

  1. In reference to Queensland Pups & Handlers Inc.
  2. Committee members and nominated helpers


  1. In reference to individuals, organisations, companies, clubs and community groups external to Q-PAH wishing to support Q-PAH activities.


  1. Sponsorship is a commercial arrangement in which a sponsor provides a contribution of money or in kind support for an activity managed by Q-PAH in return for certain specified benefits to the sponsor.

Sponsorship Agreement

  1. A proposed or signed agreement between Q-PAH and between individuals, organisations, corporations, clubs and community groups external to Q-PAH. It also covers the provision of sponsorship by Q-PAH to external parties.

Authorised Representative

  1. In reference to the representative approved by the Q-PAH Committee to sign the Sponsorship Agreement on behalf of Q-PAH.

Q-PAH Advancement Working Group

  1. In reference to the representatives of Q-PAH to discuss and formalise a Sponsorship Agreement between Q-PAH and individuals, organisations, companies, clubs and community groups external to Q-PAH wishing to support Q-PAH activities. 

2. Sponsorship principles

Consideration and assessment by Q-PAH of sponsorship proposals should have regard to the following principles.

These principles aim to ensure sponsorship is sought, received and carried out ethically, lawfully and transparently to reduce the risk of corrupt conduct, or the appearance of corrupt conduct. 

Principles for seeking sponsorship 

  1. A sponsorship agreement will not impose or imply conditions that would limit, or appear to limit, Q-PAH’s ability to carry out its functions legally, fully and impartially. 
  2. Q-PAH (as a regulatory authority) will not seek or accept sponsorship from people or organisations whose involvement in a sponsorship arrangement could compromise or be seen or perceived to compromise Q-PAH ability to exercise its regulatory and planning functions.
  3. Q-PAH will ensure that officials involved in the negotiation of the sponsorship have no involvement in the regulation or inspection of the relevant party. All regulations and inspections will be conducted in an open, fair, accountable and impartial manner.
  4. Q-PAH will not seek or accept sponsorship from people or organisations who are, or are perceived to be, of a nature that is inconsistent with Q-PAH’s values or policies, may adversely affect Council’s public image or reputation, or otherwise present a conflict of interest.
  5. In making a decision either to accept or not accept sponsorship, Q-PAH will weigh up the best interests of the community, public accountability, public perceptions and the potential risks  against any potential benefits.
  6. Q-PAH officials are not permitted to derive a personal benefit from a sponsorship arrangement. 
  7. Q-PAH will advertise and promote sponsorship opportunities in a way that does not confer or imply an unfair advantage to some potential sponsors.
  8. Sponsorships are only to be pursued if the time and resources used to obtain it do not exceed the value of the sponsorship.
  9. Sponsorship benefits for the sponsor must not outweigh the benefits to Q-PAH, and the level of recognition and benefits available to sponsors must be commensurate to the scale of the sponsorship.
  10. Where sponsorship involves the provision of a sponsor's product, Q-PAH will evaluate the product for its fitness for the stated purpose against relevant and objective operational criteria through a risk assessment process. Q-PAH should not support exclusive use of the sponsors' product.
  11. All sponsorship arrangements entered into by Q-PAH must be formalised in a written agreement. A template is provided in Attachment One of this policy.
  12. All sponsorship arrangements must be approved in writing by the relevant Authorised Representative, as set out in this policy. There is a two step approval process to foster transparency. An outlined approvals process is provided as an attachment to this policy.
  13. Each sponsorship proposal will be assessed on an individual basis and no ongoing sponsorship beyond the terms set out in the arrangement should be implied or assumed. 

Principles for the provision of sponsorship by Q-PAH 

  1. There must be no real or apparent conflict between the objectives and mission of the sponsorship recipient and Q-PAH.
  2. The opportunity for provision of sponsorship by Q-PAH should be made as widely known as possible, with any costs of advertising or promoting sponsorship to be balanced against the potential benefits.
  3. Q-PAH officials are not permitted to derive a personal benefit from a sponsorship arrangement.
  4. The level of recognition and benefits available to Q-PAH as a sponsor must be commensurate with the scale of the sponsorship.
  5. Q-PAH officials must be made aware of all other sponsors involved in the project to ensure they align with Council’s involvement and objectives. The relevant Q-PAH official will seek a list of sponsors prior to formalising any sponsorship agreement.
  6. All sponsorship arrangements entered into by Q-PAH must be formalised in a written agreement. A template is provided in Attachment One of this policy.
  7. Q-PAH officials must monitor sponsorship arrangements to ensure the promised sponsor benefits are delivered. Sufficient and timely information must be provided by the sponsored organisation to enable Council to evaluate the sponsorship.
  8. Each sponsorship proposal will be assessed on an individual basis and no ongoing sponsorship beyond the terms set out in the arrangement should be implied or assumed.

3. Appropriate external sponsorship arrangements

Q-PAH will generally only accept sponsorship for a 12 month cycle based on a calendar year. Sponsorship will normally be for activities or programs such as:

  • Minor events (Munch & Walikes, Dinner & Walkies, BBQ Munch & Games and etc);
  • Major events (Moshes, Camping, Pupmus and etc); 
  • Community development and cultural activities;
  • Public conferences, seminars and workshops;
  • Q-PAH awards.

The following types of sponsorship are considered acceptable:

  • Provision of Funding;
  • Provision of goods, services or vouchers (in kind support) *Noting that the value will be calculated off the cost price to the sponsor; and/or
  • Provision of discounts.

4. Restrictions

The following restrictions will apply to all sponsorship:

  • Involved in any current legal matters involving Q-PAH, or if it is reasonably known that such matters are likely to arise in the foreseeable future.
  • The sponsors values otherwise perceived to be of a nature that is inconsistent with Q-PAH’s values and policies or may adversely affect Q-PAH’s public image or reputation.
  • Every sponsorship proposal will be assessed against the possibility of a conflict of interest and, in particular, may be refused or terminated in any case where, during the life of the sponsorship, the sponsor or related party:
  • The sponsor derives a personal benefit from a sponsorship arrangement. 
  • Where Q-PAH officials derive a personal benefit from a sponsorship arrangement.

5. Sponsorship Agreement Meetings

Sponsorship agreement meetings are to be conducted under the following conditions:

  • Two members of the committee are required to attend the meeting either in person, via the phone or via video conference. It is recommended that at least one of the Q-PAH Advancement Working Group committee members be in attendance. 
  • If possible, the meeting is to be recorded if permission is granted by all parties of the meeting.
  • In the meeting, the sponsor is to be shown and walked through the various tiers of the sponsorship packages Q-PAH has. (Appendix A)
  • The sponsor will need to indicate what events they wish to support from the event schedule for that calendar year. This is available from the events management team.
  • All agreed terms, sponsorship schedule and events discussed within the meeting need to be recorded in writing and saved into the sponsorship folder in Q-PAH google drive and then entered into the Q-PAH Sponsorship Agreement Template (Appendix B). 

6. Drafting a Sponsorship Agreement 

Drafting of Sponsorship agreements is to be conducted once a meeting has been had with a potential sponsor and their terms, sponsorship schedule and events they wish to sponsor are understood. The following steps need to be followed once this information has been gathered:

  • The agreed terms, sponsorship schedule and events are entered into the Q-PAH Sponsorship Agreement Template (Appendix B). Once filled out, the draft version is to be saved into the Q-PAH Google Drive under the sponsorship folder and under the particular sponsor’s folder. 
  • The draft agreement is then to be presented to the committee to be voted on.

7. Approving Sponsorship Agreement

The following steps are to be followed for a Sponsorship Agreement to be approved:

  • The Q-PAH Advancement Working Group are to send a copy of the agreement to the Q-PAH Secretary, so it can be distributed to the rest of the committee for review and so it can be added onto the next committee meeting agenda to discuss.
  • A member of the Q-PAH Advancement Working Group is to present the draft agreement to the committee and take questions from the other committee members.
  • If the sponsorship agreement is fine or only needs minor changes, it can then be put forward for a vote by the committee. If declined, passed, or passed on conditions that need updating, the Q-PAH Advancement Working Group are to then inform the sponsor of the outcome.
  • If declined, the Q-PAH Advancement Working Group will need to review the agreement and make any changes to the agreement in conjunction with discussing with the potential sponsor over the changes and then re-present to the committee for a vote.
  • If passed, the Q-PAH Advancement Working Group is to organise for a copy to be signed by the Q-PAH Authorised Representative and send it onto the sponsor for them to sign and return. Upon return, the signed agreement is to be saved into the sponsorship folder and filed under the particular sponsors folder.
  • If passed on conditions of updating, the Q-PAH Advancement Working Group is to make the corrections needed, orginsie for it to be signed by the Q-PAH Authorised Representative. Once signed, the agreement is then to be sent to the sponsor for them to sign and return. Upon return, the signed agreement is to be saved into the sponsorship folder and filed under the particular sponsors folder. 

8. Policy Review

This policy will be reviewed regularly as required and may change at any time, subject to a Q-PAH committee resolution.

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