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Fun In The Sun: Q-PAH Does Disc Golf

August 30, 2022

They say few things excite a bio-doggo more than chasing a well-thrown frisbee. On Sunday, we took the pups of Q-PAH to the park to see if the same held true of them!

The rain held off just long enough to allow the pups and handlers of Q-PAH to enjoy a nice picnic in the park, followed by nine(ish) holes (or do they call them baskets?) of disc golf in Carindale.

Sure, we got a little lost going around the course. And sure, our K-Mart frisbees didn't have quite the impact that all the pro disc golfers around the rest of the park did. But we got out in the sunshine, did our best and had plenty of laughs.

Q-PAH endeavours to do active, outdoor events every few months. They're designed to be social gatherings a no or minimal cost. Keep an eye on our events page to find out when the next one is coming up. Or if there's an outdoor activity you think would be fun, let us know.

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