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Keeping Everyone Safe

October 30, 2023

Q-PAH has adopted a new Conduct, Consent & Community Protection Policy and Reporting Framework.

At Q-PAH, we want to be sure that our members and attendees always feel safe and sucure in our spaces. We also want to be sure that the public feels safe around Pups and Handlers. As such, the management committee recently passed a new by-law called the Conduct, Consent & Community Protection Policy. Along with this policy is a framework to allow people to raise concerns, and for the management committe to track and act on those concerns.

What's the policy about?

You can read the full Conduct, Consent & Community Protection Policy here. It is about the standards of behaviour we expect from our members and attendees, and what can be done if those stanards aren't met.

What's the reprting about?

Along with the policy, we've created an Incident Report Form. You can use the form to tell us about concerning behaviour in our spaces, either in person or online. But you can also use it to report any incident at all which concerns you, whether it's a behavoral issue or something else like an injury or illness at a Q-PAH event, or a potential physical hazard you've spotted.

What happens when a report is made?

When you submit an Incident Report, the management committee will keep a permanent record. This can be valuable for us to refer back to. It is the nature of volunteer committees that members change often, so without good record keeping, the management committee can't always know about problems from the past.

If the incident requires immediate attention, Q-PAH may investigate and carry out appropriate actions immediately. In other cases, building a collection of records of repeated incidents can help to find and fix systemic issues or serial problems.

In cases where a crime has been commited, we may make copy the incident report available to Queensland Police Service.

Can reports be made anonymously?

Yes. You don't have to give your name or any contact information to report an incident. However it's often helpful if we can contact people if we need follow-up information.

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